Our Energy Future
Now more than ever we need a focused discussion about the future of energy use, production, distribution and policy to responsibly steward the land and water we work so hard to protect. Become part of this conversation through one of our events, volunteering with a special project or by engaging with the Energy District work.
Driftless Area Land Conservancy along with dedicated area activists have created Iowa County CLEA-N, Clean Local Energy Alliance - Now. CLEA-N’s mission is to explore options for and engage in initiatives to advance the local ownership and control of a clean energy future in Iowa County, and to lay the groundwork for the creation of an Energy District through which the vision of that future can be realized.
CLEA-N & DALC -- Working Hand-in-Hand on Common Goals
Climate disruption affects every aspect of the work we do at DALC. CLEA-N’s efforts to lower fossil fuel emissions and to sequester excess atmospheric carbon supports DALC’s land conservation work. As this new organization gets off the ground, DALC will be a significant stabilizing and guiding partner. Staff member, Chuck Tennessen, will serve as CLEA-N’s chair. DALC’s non-profit status means that your donation to CLEA-N is tax-deductible.
CLEA-N Initiatives
Overarching Strategies
Education – Energy efficiencies, generation, transmission and storage technologies are evolving at an ever-increasing pace. CLEA-N aims to be a source of accurate energy information.
Collaboration – CLEA-N aspires to bring individuals and organizations together to create a mutually beneficial synergy.
Promotion – CLEA-N will aid in the promotion of projects that match its goals.
Equitable Economic Prosperity – CLEA-N’s intention is to lower energy costs and promote local economic enterprise for ALL of Iowa County’s residents.
Help Build a Brighter Future for Iowa County
Have an idea you’d like to see developed, or a few hours or dollars to lend? We’d love to hear from you. We’re looking for energy saving or clean energy development projects and the individuals to work on or lead those projects. Contact Chuck Tennessen.
What are Energy Districts?
Energy Districts are non-profit organizations that use the Soil and Water Conservation District model to retain local wealth by advancing energy efficiency and building locally-owned renewable energy capacity. Energy Districts foster economic prosperity and environmental stewardship. This model is expanding rapidly with great success across several counties in Northeast Iowa.
What are Some Examples of Energy District Activities and Initiatives?
Public Outreach – Energy presentations/programs, Energy Fairs
Enhancing Energy Efficiencies – The least expensive, most environmentally friendly energy is the kind that is never generated.
Public Education - EG. energy audits, Focus on Energy program, energy saving devices
Home weatherization / insulation assistance
Promote Local Renewable Energy Development
Support local renewable energy and energy efficiency businesses and contractors
Help municipalities and organizations to implement energy-smart practices and policies
Coordinate with Neighboring Energy Districts to Build Area-wide Energy Resiliency and Economic Savings